Post-quarantine fury

You say nothing of what you want to say

which makes it easy to speak the truth

When the bitterness is truly mutual

then we’ll be equal

we’ve been watching each other for half my lifetime

and yet we never tried

absolutely no one understands why

including me

and yet I understand why we didn’t try better than why we are trying now

what has come to be truly incomprehensible is why we are not succeeding

it really is just a fuck

both of us have fucked everyone

really not a big deal

and yet a big deal it has had become

we’ve gone through the boredom, the heartbreak and the stds

it’s fine, we know how it goes

sorry, but I do have baggage

and back in the day it used to be as simple as “lets fuck”

why be so orthodox about it?

Cross-referencing everything and bitter bitching has suddenly become our niche

I cannot put in words how angry with myself it makes me

I’ve been so furious I can’t sleep

it’s like you expect me to be something more than be a bimbo

and oh god it’s tiring

I do not like being projected onto

I do not like having to be a femme fatale

they all die tragic unorgasmic deaths like Niko and my mother

After she died we sat at the balcony chain-smoking and my dad said

“I can’t believe I got such a hot chick to marry me”

OMG I was furious at him

You retarded idiot, she was in love with you, had three horrible kids and spent all your life together and moreover she’s dead

What the fuck can be wrong with your wounded ego to say something so idiotic?

Anyway inherent autism I could probably deal with, as long as there would be sex

Now I know she probably got cancer because she wasn’t getting any

She got really drunk one night and allegedly confessed she fantacised about fucking a guy from albania

that’s why I did it, now you know

so we can put that behind us

Yeah, I’m so tired from not sleeping, the additional mRNA and not fucking I could probably get off better punching someone

But going back to the main point of this stupid idiotic whatever

Our friendship has probably been irreparably affected by the tension and our love story has a tumour plus chain-smoking, drug and alcohol abuse issues

So just invite me over and lets fuck, you fucken really intelligent lovable perverted idiot

And if I know you at all that’s the point where you say:

“darling I don’t want to fuck you, you might be getting a bit confused”

HAHAHA ok I love you but fuck you!

Human farm

The totalitarian environmental dystopia political rebellion seems to have reached the last line of defence, our bodies

Microbiophobes have taken the streets fighting the noble cause of immunisation

Surely one renouned scientist should have stood up by now and said: “Natural selection, remember?”

No one remembers, just crazy people and Sweden

Who would risk loosing a plentiful high quality resource?

Power is in numbers and sustainability is a farm with many pigs

Natural selection works in mysterious ways after all

and as a species we have done very little to deserve a treatment different to any other animal or plant


I had almost failed, almost passed every course of economics, I ever took.

I can’t even remember now if I passed or failed them.

I never ever cared.

It felt like complete shit anyhow.

A shit show.

Then they hired me to handle budgets involving thousands of euros.

I got incredibly scared at first.

Then I remembered I was really good at math.

This was the most straightforward math, the least abstract thing I had ever done in my entire life.

This was what childhood dreams was made of.

I completely pulled it off.

The most importat thing I ever did in my entire life turned out to be complete and utter bullshit.

But we stayed in some pretty good hotels and had some fun too abroad.

We had loads of alcohol and bonded.

We never ever spoke again.

I got a phonecall the other day from a partner who might get caught for fraud.

We laughed a lot talking economic bullshit.

No one cares.


The EU.


Sustainability, fuck yeah!